Pripravljalni sestanek Erasmus+ projekta »Let’s GROW«
Med 19. in 22. julijem je na Klubu študentov Kranj potekal pripravljalni sestanek v sklopu programa Erasmus+.
Vikend smo posvetili pripravam na mednarodno mladinsko izmenjavo »Let’s GROW«, ki bo septembra potekala v Kranju. Skupaj s predstavniki partnerskih organizacij z Danske, Malte, Španije in Velike Britanije smo oblikovali končni načrt projekta, ki bo mladim omogočil medkulturno izkušnjo in izmenjavo znanja. Projekt se nanaša na prehrano in aktivnosti s pozitivnim vplivom na telesno in duševno zdravje.
Sodelujoče organizacije:
- Slovenija – Klub študentov Kranj
- Danska – Youth Opportunities DK
- Malta – MUYA – Malta UNESCO Youth Association
- Španija – Youth.Activ.ES
- Velika Britanija – Erasmus Student Network UK
Advance planning visit of the Erasmus+ project “Let’s GROW”
Between 19 and 22 July Student association Kranj held preparatory meeting within the project co-funded by Erasmus + programme.
Weekend was dedicated to preparations for an international Erasmus+ youth exchange »Let’s GROW« that will take place this September in Kranj. Together with the representatives of partner organisations from Denmark, Malta, Spain and Great Britain, we made a final plan of the project that will present young people with the opportunity for an intercultural experience and knowledge sharing. The project focuses on nutrition and activities with a positive impact on physical and mental wellbeing.
Organisations involved:
- Slovenia – Klub študentov Kranj
- Denmark – Youth Opportunities DK
- Malta – MUYA – Malta UNESCO Youth Association
- Spain – Youth.Activ.ES
- United Kingdom – Erasmus Student Network UK
Projekt je sofinanciran iz programa Evropske unije Erasmus+.