Mednarodno usposabljanje Erasmus+ “EDUBOARDZ” – Malta, 2021
English version can be found below.
V začetku septembra je na Malti potekalo mednarodno usposabljanje mladinskih delavcev programa Erasmus+. Na usposabljanju so sodelovali udeleženci Slovenije, Malte, Estonije, Romunije, Bolgarije, Litve, Latvije, Poljske in Španije.
Glavna tema usposabljanja z imenom “EDUBOARDZ” so bile namizne igre in njihova uporaba v izobraževalne namene. Udeleženci so v šestih delovnih dneh spoznali različne (že obstoječe) namizne igre in le-te poskušali preoblikovati v izobraževalne igre. V skupinah so nato ustvarili lastne namizne igre na različne teme, npr. socialna vključenost, samozavest, okolje, mentalno zdravje …, ki jih bodo lahko uporabili pri svojem delu z otroki/mladostniki.
Za podrobnejše informacije o programu in ciljih projekta klikni tukaj.
Vtisi naših udeležencev:
Sara: Moja prva Erasmus + izkušnja in zagotovo ne zadnja! Preden sem prišla na usposabljanje nisem vedela, kaj pričakovati, se sploh splača ali ne … Zdaj lahko z gotovostjo rečem, da je vredno. V enem tednu sem se naučila veliko več, kot sem se v prejšnjih mesecih. Pa ne le o izobraževalnih namiznih igrah, ampak tudi o kulturnih raznolikostih, usklajevanju mnjenj/delu v skupinah, sebi … Izkušnja je presegla moja pričakovanja in ustvarila nove nepozabne spomine.
Peter: Moja prva Erasmus izkušnja je bila čudovita. Preko delavnic smo se z ostalimi udeleženci zelo povezali in postali pravi prijatelji. V enem kratkem tednu sem spoznal ljudi iz različnih življenjskih področij in kultur, dobil vpogled v njihova življenja ter z njimi skupaj skušali nekaj ustvariti. Vse skupaj je bila zelo koristna izkušnja, celotno usposabljanje je bil odlično izpeljan. Kapo dol gostujoči organizaciji!
Alen: Super Erasmus+ usposabljanje. Kljub konstantnem prehajanju iz vroče okolice na hladnejše prostore s klimo je bila naša izkušnja nepozabna. Organizacija je bila na vrhuncu in se je zapisala kot eno boljših usposabljanj, ki sem se jih udeležil. Kot vedno smo se Slovenci zapisali kot glavni za zabavo in s tem dosegli, da naš apartma nikoli ni bil prazen. Seveda nismo pozabili na širjenje slovenske glasbe med naše prijatelje, nazaj pa smo prinesli tudi tuje različice pesmi kot npr. Na nebo.
International Erasmus+ training course “EDUBOARDZ” – Malta, 2021
An Erasmus+ international training course took place in Malta at the beginning of September. The training brought together representatives from Slovenia, Malta, Estonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Spain and Bulgaria.
The main topic of the “EDUBOARDZ” training was board games and their use for educational purposes. During six working days, participants learned about different (existing) board games and tried to transform them into educational games. They then worked in groups to create their own board games on different topics, e.g. social inclusion, self-esteem, the environment, mental health, etc., which they can use in their work with children/young people.
Experiences from our participants:
Sara: My first Erasmus + experience and definitely not my last one! Before I came on exchange I did not know what to expect, is it worth it or not … Now I can say for sure that it is worth it! I learned more in one week, than I did in previous months. Not only about educational board games, but also about cultural diversity, working in groups, personal development and more. Experience exceeded my expectations and created new unforgettable memories.
Peter: My first Erasmus experience was wonderful. Through the workshops, we became very connected with the other participants and became real friends. In one short week, I met people from different walks of life and cultures, got an insight into their lives, and tried to create something with them. All in all it was a very rewarding experience, the whole training course was excellently carried out. Hats off to the hosting organization!
Alen: Great Erasmus+ training. Despite the constant transition from hot surroundings to cooler rooms with air conditioning, our experience was unforgettable. The organization was at its peak and recorded itself as one of the better trainings I attended. As always, Slovenians signed up as the main ones for fun and thus achieved that our apartment was never empty. Of course, we did not forget to spread Slovenian music among our friends, but we also brought back foreign versions of songs such as Na nebo.
For more information about the program and it’s goals cklick here.
Do you want to know more about Erasmus+ youth mobility, who can participate and what can you get from it? On this link you will find a lot of answers and you can always write to us on Project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ program.